Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Make a shortcut icon to shut down windows at a specific time

Today I'll share an interesting trick.Using this you can make a timer to shut down computer at a specific time.When the specific time come,windows will shut down automatically.For this,do the follows:

1: Right click on your desktop and choose “New=>shortcuts”.

2: In the box that says “Type the location of the shortcut”,
type in “shutdown -s -t 3600

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shut down faster in windows xp

Sometimes it takes a long time to shut down windows xp.Generally it occur when windows waits to automatically close of all running programs. You can easily reduce this waiting time of windows and shut down faster.
For this go to Start/Run and type regedit and press enter.Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/WaitToKillAppTimeout.Right click in it and then select Modify.Change the value as 1000.Then click OK.
Again find HKEY_USERS/Default/Control Panel/Desktop/WaitToKillAppTimeout.Right click and select Modify.Change the value as 1000.
Then Restart computer.Now your computer will shut down faster than before.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Disable indexing option to free up Ram

Indexing option is a little program that uses large amounts of Ram and can often make a computer slower.This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are in your computer.It does this so that when you do a search for something on your computer,it will help to search faster by scanning the index lists.If you don't search your computer often,or even if you do search often,this option is completely unnecessary.you can save Ram memory by disable this option.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Speed up internet up to 20%

Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purpose like Windows Update and interrogating your PC etc.But you can get it back easily by following procedures.
First go to Start/Run and type gpedit.msc.Then press enter and you will see the Group policy editor.
Then go to Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/QOS Pocket Scheduler/Limit Reservable Bandwidth.Double click in Limit Reservable Bandwidth.It will say that it is not configured,but the truth is under the Explain tab that is by default the Pocket Scheduler limits the system to 20%  of the bandwidth of a connection. But you can use this setting by override the default.
So the trick is to Enable reservable bandwidth ,then set it to 0.This will allow the system to reserve nothing,rather than the default 20%.After doing all of this,Restart computer.It works on Windows 2000 as well.That's all...

Folder option missing??? Enable folder option

Sometimes the folder option become missing or disable in windows explorer due to some virus or Torjon effect.If you are facing this problem you can solve it in that way:
Go to Start/Run and type 'gpedit.msc'.Now go to User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Component/Windows Explorer.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Disable Facebook Face Recognition (Tag Suggestion) Feature

You may have observed the new feature in Facebook’s photo tagging if you have uploaded photos to Facebook recently. The new face recognition feature in Facebook can intelligently suggests the name of the friends for automatic picture tagging. The new feature is called Tag Suggestion where Facebook tries to automatically identify the faces in the uploaded photos based on the other photos where the people are tagged in. Therefore, you could be tagged by Facebook automatically when your friend uploads photos that contain your face in it. Well, it might be a helpful feature to reduce the chore of photo tagging but here are the steps for you to disable Facebook’s facial recognition for your profile if you are not comfortable with this feature:

1.Login to Facebook.
2.Click at “Account” link from the top right corner and select “Account Settings” upon login.

How to Forward Messages to Your Gmail Account

Sometime it is easier and more convenient to handle and operate one email account rather than many email accounts. If you are not using email softwares such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, it is very time consuming to log on to every email account to check your emails. Occasionally, you can also forget your log in name and password.
If you are using Google’s Gmail account, you can actually copy messages from another account into your Gmail Inbox. Thanks to Google’s new Mail Fetcher feature. The setting up of the email program from your email account to forward all your new messages to your Gmail Inbox is quite fast and easy.

How to Upload Photos Directly from the Mobile Phone To a Facebook Account

It is becoming more and more popular and convenient to take photos via the cellphone. If you are a Facebook enthusiast and like to take photo via your cellphone, you could save the trouble to download the photos to your computer and to upload it again to your Facebook account. What you need to do is to activate your Facebook mobile and upload the photos from your mobile phone straight away.

Just follow the few steps below:

1. Go to the picture in your cellphone which you wish to send to Facebook.
2. Select either the Send as email or Email photo function in the menu on your cellphone.
3. When a new message appears (with the selected photo attached), key in mobile@facebook.com